Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: August 9, 2009
    Brian Walters SC and Hugh Crosthwaite Sir Robert Menzies once said that Australia would only ever have a perfect democracy when every Australian was educated to their absolute capacity. In aid of this ideal, Liberty Victoria, in association with the Australian Lawyers Alliance and Amnesty Australia... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: August 9, 2009
    Andrew Vincent The National Human Rights Consultation Committee will report to the Australian Government on 30 September 2009, having received more than 40,000 submissions in the ten months since the consultation process began. It would be extremely disappointing and a testament to the... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: August 9, 2009
    Lucie O'Brien The ABC’s Four Corners program recently aired the story of Mr Ward, a West Australian indigenous man who died in custody in January 2008. Mr Ward had been drink driving and was on his way to the Kalgoorlie Magistrates’ Court. The transport was provided by a private contractor, Global... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: August 9, 2009
    Ergun Cakal With the recent international push for renewed recognition of rights of people with disabilities and Australia’s recent ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006, the instigation of the Law Reform Commission’s review of Victorian... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: August 9, 2009
    Dr Paul Gardner Dr Larry Stillman (‘Free Speech and Intercommunal Conflict’, Liberty News, Issue 3) doesn’t argue the case explicitly, but he seems to imply that the organised Jewish community reacted to the Seven Jewish Children play by seeking to stifle free speech. He offers no evidence to... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: August 9, 2009
    Natalie Simpson The sinister practice of transporting women over international borders for the purpose of imprisoning them as sex slaves is something that most people choose to believe does not happen in their own backyard. Unfortunately the reality is that trafficking in persons is a very real... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: August 9, 2009
    Rachel Ball In the first half of 2009, two United Nations committees issued report cards on the state of human rights in Australia, following extensive reviews of Australia’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: July 15, 2009
    Since our inception, Liberty Victoria has worked collaboratively with many organisations, at local, state, federal and even international levels.  We have worked collaboratively in our campaigns for civil liberties, human rights and democratic governance.  We have co-ordinated and hosted events -... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: July 13, 2009
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: June 22, 2009
    On the 15 June 2009 Liberty Victoria lodged its submission to the National Human Rights Consultation. Liberty Victoria commends the government for conducting the National Human Rights Consultation to determine how best ot protect human rights in Australia.  Liberty Victoria believes that the... Read more
