Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: October 28, 2009
    Review of the Victorian Charter of Human  Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) Update: the charter review report was tabled in the Victoria Parliament 14th September 2011. LINK TO CHARTER REVIEW REPORT Background to the review and Liberty Submission On the 19 April 2011, the Victorian... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: October 27, 2009
    Asylum Seekers are again the subject of much commentary and debate in Australia.  As per our Media Release in April 2009, Liberty continues to urge the media and all politicians to take a measured, fair and humane approach to asylum seekers. For more information and statistics about asylum... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: October 21, 2009
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: October 16, 2009
    Anne O'Rourke Since the last newsletter Liberty Victoria has been busy writing submissions to a number of state and federal inquiries on issues such as politicians register of interests, privacy, anti-terror laws and marriage equality. The last inquiry was established as a result of Senator Sarah... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: October 16, 2009
    Jessie Taylor There have recently been some wonderful changes to the laws affecting asylum seekers in Australia. Through the passage of the Migration Amendment (Abolishing Detention Debt) Bill, the abhorrent practice of charging asylum seekers for the daily cost of their own detention was finally... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: October 16, 2009
    Aggy Kapitaniak Liberty is disappointed with the proposed reforms of the terror laws as outlined in the Attorney-General’s 500-page discussion paper. Liberty’s anti-terror law sub-committee wrote a submission expressing disappointment in relation to the proposed changes that we say don’t go far... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: October 16, 2009
    Alexandra Krummel The report of the National Human Rights Consultation committee was released on October 8 to a full house at the Victorian Parliament. The report is very substantial with almost 500 pages and 31 recommendations. The release of this landmark report signifies the end of the most... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: October 16, 2009
    Michael Pearce SC One of the most troubling developments in human rights in recent times has been the antagonistic stance adopted by many within the Christian churches. The Australian Christian Lobby was the leading organisation opposed to a national charter of rights during the recent national... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: October 1, 2009
    We have just updated our media pages - appearences and opinion pieces. We encourage you to have look and stay informed about civil liberties and human rights issues. Read about developments in migration laws, CCTVs and privacy, and increased powers for Victorian police.
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: August 9, 2009
    Michael Pearce SC There are three major developments at Liberty to report on since my last column. The first is the completion of the National Consultation on Human Rights which occurred on 15 June 2009. Liberty made a major submission which was coordinated by Vice-President Prof. Spencer Zifcak,... Read more
