Mandatory Sentencing is unnecessarily cruel, says human rights group

New mandatory sentencing laws will not make our communities safer, the human rights group Liberty Victoria warned today. The comments were made in response to Wednesday’s announcement that the Andrews government will expand the number of offences for which judges and magistrates will be banned from using Community Correction Orders (CCOs). 

Review of the Identity-matching Services Bill 2018 and the Australian Passports Amendment (Identity-matching Services) Bill 2018

Joint Councils of Civil Liberties submission on the Identity-matching Services Bill 2018 and the Australian Passports Amendment (Identity-matching Services) Bill 2018 which will authorise the Department of Home Affairs to collect, use and disclose identification information in order to operate the systems that will support a set of new biometric face-matching services. 


Guardianship and Administration Bill 2018 (Vic)

The Guardianship and Administration Bill 2018 is a necessary reform to update and bring Victoria’s personal guardianship and administration laws into line with modern expectations and human rights. 

Guardianship and administration orders provide important protections for people with disabilities.

Liberty welcomes the Bill's stated objective of moving away from a paternalistic model focusing on outdated ‘best interests’ principles, and towards one that seeks to promote and advance the autonomy of people with disabilities.


Start Date - End Date

Jun 7th, 2018 - Jun 7th, 2018

Start Time - End Time

6:15 pm - 7:15 pm

Event Location

176 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne 3000



Bottom Dollar: Welfare Quarantining in Remote Australia

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Public Comment on Serious Offenders Bill 2018

This Bill proposes to expand the detention and supervision order regime under the Serious Sex Offenders (Detention and Supervision) Act 2009 (Vic) to non-sexual violence offences. Under the scheme, offenders can be detained or subject to onerous supervision orders at the conclusion of their sentence. Liberty Victoria opposes the expansion of the scheme. Terms of imprisonment are  imposed by an independent judicial officer having regard to all sentencing considerations, including the risk of reoffending and the need for community protection.


Start Date - End Date

Jun 14th, 2018 - Jun 14th, 2018

Start Time - End Time

6:15 pm - 8:15 pm

Event Location

380 Lygon Street, Carlton, Victoria, Australia 3053



Border Politics with Dr Susan Carland and Julian Burnside QC

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Submission in support of Uluru Statement from the Heart

Liberty Victoria fully supports constitutional recognition of Australia's First Peoples, in the form set out in the Uluru Statement from the Heart: a constitutionally enshrined, First Nations Voice to the Parliament, and a Makarrata Commission, which will supervise a process of agreement-making and truth-telling. This model has been developed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples - the very peoples who are to be recognised in our founding document.

