Review of the 'declared area' provisions

This was a combined submission of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Liberty Victoria, Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, South Australian Council for Civil Libertiesand the Australian Council for Civil Liberties.

Review of police stop, search and seizure powers, the control order regime and the preventative detention order regime

This was a combined submission of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Liberty Victoria, Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, South Australian Council for Civil Liberties and the Australian Council for Civil Liberties.

A Sentencing Guidelines Council for Victoria: Issues Paper

As noted in the Sentencing Advisory Council (SAC) issues paper, the Victorian Government announced in May 2017 that it would introduce legislation in 2018 to establish a sentencing guidelines council in Victoria. In July 2017, the Attorney-General requested the SAC to advise him on the most suitable model, following broad stakeholder and community consultation.

Michael Stanton on Minister Peter Dutton's decision to attack judicial officers on talkback radio

In the midst of early January's tabloid-driven frenzy on so called "African gangs", Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton decided to attack judicial officers on talkback radio.
