Federal anti-terror move unwarranted says Liberty Victoria

Liberty Victoria today said the Federal Government’s foreshadowed plans to reverse the onus of proof for Australians visiting so called “terror hotspots” are unwarranted.

The Alan Missen Oration - Michael Kirby

Friday 22 August 2014
Deakin Edge, Federation Square, Melbourne


Public statement from The NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Liberty Victoria, The Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, The SA Council for Civil Liberties, Civil Liberties Australia.

Civil Liberties Councils across Australia  urge the Government - and failing that - the Australian Parliament to ensure that the foreshadowed national security legislation is subject to proper scrutiny and not rushed through parliament next week - as some media suggest is the Government’s intention.

Voltaire Award Dinner 2014

Saturday 9 August 2014
San Remo Ballroom 365 Nicholson St Carlton North

Interpreter whistle-blower takes Voltaire Award 2014

Liberty Victoria press release 27 June 2014

An interpreter who helped a man who died soon after his release from a police station is to be awarded this year's Voltaire Award for free speech.

Yu Shu Lipski is the recipient of this year’s Voltaire Award, presented by Liberty Victoria for a distinguished contribution to free speech. She describes her work as being the impartial voice of people without a voice.

Justice for Corinna Horvath is long overdue

Liberty Victoria welcomes the decision of the United Nations Human Rights Committee in Horvath v Australia (1885/2009).

“This case demonstrates that justice in Victoria is hollow when it comes to the accountability of the police force,” said Liberty Victoria President, Jane Dixon QC today.

In 2001, Corinna Horvath was found by the County Court of Victoria to have been horrifically assaulted and then falsely imprisoned by members of Victoria Police.
