Gregory Buchhorn was confirmed as a Policy Committee member in November 2018
January 29, 2019
January 29, 2019
Sex Discrimination Amendment (Removing Discrimination Against Students) Bill 2018 (Senator Wong’s Bill) Liberty notes that the so-called religious exemptions amount to a preference or benefit for...
January 24, 2019
A discussion of the Andrews government changes to bail, sentencing and parole laws: - Liberty Victoria's comments on the law is quoted. 
November 5, 2018
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria is a member of the Communications Alliance  Kurt Graham discusses research into the Assistance and Access Bill 2018 – known as the Encryption Bill conducted for the Alliance
October 25, 2018
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria is essentially supportive of the reforms contained in the Bill. We note that there has been a significant expansion in the powers and activities of Australia’s national security and...
October 18, 2018
The Ombudsman report on Deborah Glass mentions Liberty Victoria
October 16, 2018
Liberty Victoria in the News
Join us as we present this year’s Liberty Victoria Annual General Meeting followed by our 2018 Alan Missen Oration Liberty Victoria members are invited to join us from 5.30pm, as Liberty Victoria...
October 11, 2018
Event Calendar
Liberty Victoria is strongly opposed to the amendments to the Corrections Act 1986 (Vic) (the Act) made by the Corrections Amendment (Parole) Act 2018 (Vic) (the amendments). The effective imposition...
September 3, 2018
Sangeetha Pillai refers to Liberty Victoria's report: Playing God - The Immigration Minister's Unrestrained Power
September 3, 2018
Liberty Victoria in the News
