Victorian Council for Civil Liberties urged the Government to act with fewer police and more social workers, nurses, drug and alcohol clinicians and mental health support, warning “this is a...
July 5, 2020
Liberty Victoria in the News
The recent investigation into Dyson Heydon's behaviour causes me to reflect with bittersweet gratitude on the time I spent as a Judge's Associate. I was Associate to a big-hearted, generous, clever...
July 4, 2020
Liberty Victoria in the News
The recent investigation into Dyson Heydon's behaviour causes me to reflect with bittersweet gratitude on the time I spent as a Judge's Associate. I was Associate to a big-hearted, generous, clever...
July 4, 2020
Basic page
Liberty Victoria is concerned by news that the Australian Federal Police has recommended that prosecutors consider laying charges against ABC journalist Dan Oakes. The recommended charges relate to...
July 3, 2020
Press Release
Liberty Victoria, MIke Stanton interviewed by Tom Elliott on 3AW about compulsory Covid-19 testing
July 1, 2020
Liberty Victoria in the News
A Liberty Victoria spokesman told The Age that he believed Victoria's parliament would need to pass a law allowing the charter to be overriden if the government wanted to make testing compulsory.
June 30, 2020
Liberty Victoria in the News
Dujuan Hoosan awarded the Liberty Victoria Young Voltaire Human Rights Award. Liberty Victoria honours Dujuan Hoosan with the Young Voltaire Human Rights Award. Dujuan was chosen for his courage and...
June 30, 2020
Basic page
  Liberty Victoria honours Dujuan Hoosan with the Young Voltaire Human Rights Award. Dujuan was chosen for his courage and determination in challenging governments to change the age they imprison...
June 30, 2020
Press Release
Liberty Victoria has now started advocating for Mr Chau, saying there has been a lack of public condemnation from the Australian Government in his case. Martin Radzaj, the chair of the criminal...
June 30, 2020
Liberty Victoria in the News
A disturbing and distressing new development has occurred in the Commonwealth’s policies with respect to immigration detention. Pursuant to an amendment to the Migration Act (Cth), non-citizens who...
June 26, 2020
Liberty Victoria in the News
