Liberty Victoria continues to oppose the  of the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill 2015,  in light of their subsequent operation. While limited public information is...
July 8, 2019
If enacted the Justice Legislation Amendment (Police and Other Matters) Bill 2019 (“the Bill”) would, amongst other things: a. Create new powers in the Crimes Act 1958 (“the Crimes Act”) for police...
February 15, 2019
Sex Discrimination Amendment (Removing Discrimination Against Students) Bill 2018 (Senator Wong’s Bill) Liberty notes that the so-called religious exemptions amount to a preference or benefit for...
January 24, 2019
Liberty Victoria is essentially supportive of the reforms contained in the Bill. We note that there has been a significant expansion in the powers and activities of Australia’s national security and...
October 18, 2018
Liberty Victoria is strongly opposed to the amendments to the Corrections Act 1986 (Vic) (the Act) made by the Corrections Amendment (Parole) Act 2018 (Vic) (the amendments). The effective imposition...
September 3, 2018
In summary, the Bill introduces an important change to the way in which family law proceedings are conducted, so that there is no undue stress and trauma caused to victims of family violence. However...
August 22, 2018
Liberty Victoria strongly opposes the abolition of de novo appeals. These significant reforms have been introduced without evidence-based support. The last investigation in 2006 by the Law Reform...
August 21, 2018
Liberty Victoria fully supports constitutional recognition of Australia's First Peoples, in the form set out in the Uluru Statement from the Heart: a constitutionally enshrined, First Nations Voice...
June 18, 2018
This Bill proposes to expand the detention and supervision order regime under the Serious Sex Offenders (Detention and Supervision) Act 2009 (Vic) to non-sexual violence offences. Under the scheme,...
May 26, 2018
