Comment on the Reason Party’s Health Legislation (Conscientious Objection) Bill 2022 (Vic) 1. Liberty Victoria welcomes the Reason Party’s Health Legislation (Conscientious Objection) Bill 2022 (Vic...
August 16, 2022
Liberty Victoria supports some aspects of the Bill. However, in our view many other aspects of the Bill are unnecessary and add complexity to an already difficult area of the law. As we said in our...
August 15, 2022
Liberty Victoria is opposed to the proposed new offence of engaging in grossly offensive conduct in public.  It should not become law. The Bill seeks to respond to particular conduct by Mr Richard...
August 2, 2022
The Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP Attorney-General of Australia By email: 8 June 2022 Dear Attorney-General, Congratulations on Behalf of the Civil Liberties Community in Australia We...
June 16, 2022
Two dominant issues have contributed to a recent increase in right-wing extremism: shared grievances and crises of identity. The underlying social and structural issues that are fuelling systemic...
June 15, 2022
We welcome the opportunity to provide a submission to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee’s Inquiry into the application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of...
June 7, 2022
Sentencing a parent or caregiver has a direct impact on a child, in particular where the caregiver is incarcerated and separated from their children. The imprisonment of a parent can have socio-...
May 31, 2022
The Australian Privacy Foundation, Queensland Council of Civil Liberties and Liberty Victoria have made a detailed submission to the Reform of Australia’s electronic surveillance framework discussion...
February 8, 2022
Liberty Victoria is opposed to discrimination on the basis of the attributes of religious belief and religious activity, just as on the basis of the other attributes protected under our laws,...
February 1, 2022
  This submission focuses on stream 2 relating to people in custody as outlined in the terms of reference published in October 2021 .  It makes recommendations in relation to limiting the expansion...
December 21, 2021
