This is a joint submission with NSW Council for Civil Liberties. Liberty Victoria and NSW Council for Civil Liberties acknowledge the importance of protecting the community from acts of terrorism....
August 3, 2023
Liberty Victoria is grateful for the opportunity to make this submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) review of the Counter-Terrorism Legislation...
July 24, 2023
It is often said by those who oppose a federal Human Rights Act that there is no need for one. They argue that the human rights of Australians are more than adequately protected by the common law and...
July 21, 2023
Liberty Victoria is deeply worried by the emergence of far-right extremism, but opposes the ban of the ‘hakenkreuz’ for the reasons set out in our joint submission to the PJCIS. We understand that...
May 3, 2023
This submission addresses the importance of reducing the prevalence of sexual violence, and the challenges and limitations of the criminal justice system in achieving that end. It sets out the...
March 17, 2023
Liberty Victoria has had the opportunity to consider the detailed submission of the Criminal Bar Association of Victoria (CBA), and we respectfully endorse it and its recommendations. In particular,...
March 7, 2023
We are a coalition of lawyers, trade unionists, service providers and advocacy groups with a shared commitment to addressing the effects of precarious and ‘permanently temporary’ visa status. We...
January 10, 2023
This submission responds to the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s Issues Paper 1: Systemic Injustice in the Criminal Justice System. The following submission focusses on: (a) The need to raise the...
December 7, 2022
Comment on the Major Crime and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 1. If enacted the Major Crime and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (Vic) (the Bill) would result in a...
September 19, 2022
The Victorian Parliament's Legal and Social Issues Committee has published its report on the Inquiry into Extremism in Victoria. It's available here: I'm pleased to say that...
September 5, 2022
