An independent body should oversee complaints against police, Liberty Victoria said today. This follows the sacking of one officer and disciplining of three more after a man being held was left to...
December 9, 2014
Press Release
Barrister George Georgiou SC is the new President of Liberty Victoria.
Elected at the recent annual meeting, he was welcomed by outgoing President Jane Dixon QC who said: “Liberty's role in...
November 25, 2014
Press Release
The social and economic costs of hardline anti-crime policies are simply too great, the President of Liberty Victoria, George Georgiou SC, warned today.
He said all Victorians should be concerned...
November 24, 2014
Press Release
Joint statement on the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill 2014
15 October 2014
The Australian Government has an important duty to protect the community from terrorism....
October 21, 2014
Press Release
Liberty Victoria has joined civil liberties organisations throughout Australia in criticising national security laws being rushed through federal parliament in the Counter Terrorism Legislation...
October 8, 2014
Press Release
Committee review period too hasty on 'Foreign Fighters' Bill
Liberty Victoria shares NSW Council for Civil Liberties concern of the haste with which counter-terrorism legislation is coming into...
September 24, 2014
Press Release
Populist law and order agenda sees courts lose power as mandatory sentencing is expanded.
“The public may not be aware of the speed with which the Napthine government is removing sentencing...
September 5, 2014
Press Release
Liberty Victoria today said the Federal Government’s foreshadowed plans to reverse the onus of proof for Australians visiting so called “terror hotspots” are unwarranted.
The Government wants people...
August 7, 2014
Press Release
Public statement from The NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Liberty Victoria, The Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, The SA Council for Civil Liberties, Civil Liberties Australia.
Civil Liberties...
July 15, 2014
Press Release
Liberty Victoria press release 27 June 2014
An interpreter who helped a man who died soon after his release from a police station is to be awarded this year's Voltaire Award for free speech.
Yu Shu...
June 26, 2014
Press Release