Liberty Victoria welcomes the decision of the United Nations Human Rights Committee in Horvath v Australia (1885/2009).
“This case demonstrates that justice in Victoria is hollow when it comes to the...
May 8, 2014
Press Release
Changes proposed for the state’s parole system threaten to make the community less safe, Liberty Victoria warned today.
“We strongly agree with some proposals for Parole reform while there are others...
April 24, 2014
Press Release
Longer jail terms for serious offences do not mean a safer community but may have the reverse effect, Liberty Victoria warned today.
“They may have a simplistic appeal, especially when parties are...
April 3, 2014
Press Release
Liberty Victoria today attacked new government proposals to dilute protections against racist speech.
Liberty President, Jane Dixon SC, said that ‘freedom of...
March 28, 2014
Press Release
The tragedy at Manus Island was foreseeable.
As observed by the Human Rights Law Centre, Australia has sent 1300 asylum seekers to Manus Island for ‘processing and resettlement’, but not one person...
February 19, 2014
Press Release
As the community contemplates the Victorian Government’s decision to, as Premier Denis Napthine puts it, have the Hoddle Street murderer Julian Knight “rot in jail”, it is worth looking at similar...
February 18, 2014
Press Release
Approval of the Napthine government’s move to ensure the Auditor-General’s independence came today from Liberty Victoria.
Liberty President Jane Dixon SC said it was vital for the proper oversight of...
December 13, 2013
Press Release
Public confidence in the legal system is threatened by jamming people into jail while hiding a study of the State’s prison population, Liberty Victoria said today.
Liberty President Jane Dixon SC...
November 26, 2013
Press Release
A reluctance to acknowledge the existence of racial profiling and a misunderstanding of how racism can be part of police practice underscores the need for better education in the Victoria Police,...
August 17, 2013
Press Release
“The newly announced Coalition’s proposal to never allow over thirty thousand stranded asylum seekers settle in Australia, plumbs new depths of cruelty. It is a policy that will cause severe...
August 17, 2013
Press Release