Police have denied racial profiling after wrongly arresting a former immigration detainee in relation to a sexual assault in an inner Melbourne suburb this week. Victoria Police revealed yesterday...
March 1, 2024
Liberty Victoria in the News
A significant review of Australia’s surveillance laws presents an opportunity to reframe these powers around upholding and protecting human rights, a number of digital and civil rights groups have...
February 10, 2022
Liberty Victoria in the News
There are “serious concerns” over the Victorian government’s “unprecedented plan” to establish a centralised health data sharing system which would store information such as prescribed medications...
November 19, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Civil society has been “completely sidelined and ignored” in the inquiry into the government’s proposed new hacking powers, after no civil or digital rights groups were invited to the only public...
March 15, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
In a separate submission, a coalition of digital and civil rights groups including Liberty Victoria, Electronic Frontiers Australia, the Australian Privacy Foundation and the QLD Council of Civil...
February 15, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria's Gemma Cafarella said the leak damaged the public's trust in Victoria Police and further eroded the relationship between police and the transgender and gender non-conforming...
May 4, 2020
Liberty Victoria in the News
Civil libertarians have questioned the wider use of driver’s licence photos. “Until such time as we have a proven need that this can actually address, it’s a huge overreach,” Liberty Victoria...
September 17, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria's Gemma Cafarella said facial recognition technology was a "significant erosion" of privacy that locked everyone with a driver's licence into a national database. She said the mere...
September 17, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria's Tim Warner is quoted in this article on Victoria Police drone program
July 16, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
