Criminal Justice

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Liberty Victoria is concerned that the Attorney-General has elected to introduce a standard sentence scheme, contrary to the clear advice of the Sentencing Advisory Council’s report in response to...
June 10, 2016
Press Release
Liberty Victoria welcomed the opportunity to make this submission in relation to the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s (Commission) review of the Role of the Victims of Crime in the Criminal Trial...
April 26, 2016
The legal apparatus that provides for a person with a cognitive disability to be detained, without review and on an indefinite basis, is concerning. The right to liberty, and the associated right to...
April 22, 2016
Liberty Victoria opposes the enactment of the Serious Sex Offenders (Detention and Supervision) Amendment (Community Safety) Bill 2016 (Vic) (“the Bill”). The principal issue is whether the measures...
April 18, 2016
Liberty Victoria is opposed to the Bill which: Fails to provide registrants with the same important protections that are provided by the Serious Sex Offenders (Detention and Supervision) Act 2009 (...
March 29, 2016
Every year, over 6000 prisoners are released in Victoria, but what does this mean for individuals and the wider community? This video by Young Liberty for Law Reform’s criminal justice pod...
March 9, 2016
Basic page
Liberty Victoria opposes the Bill which proposes an amendment to the Corrections Act 1986 (Vic) (the Act) by insertion of a new provision that would, in effect, render a prisoner serving a prison...
March 8, 2016
Liberty Victoria is strongly opposed to the Bill and has submitted a comment to the Legislative Council of Parliament of Victoria.
March 4, 2016
What happens to people when they are released from prison? This video explores some of the many issues facing people leaving the prison system. 
March 1, 2016
Liberty Victoria is opposed to the mandatory minimum sentence provisions in the Sentencing Act 1991 (Vic), and accordingly is also opposed to the expansion of those provisions to alleged offences...
February 16, 2016
