Criminal Justice

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The state’s courts are also dealing with record numbers of accused offenders being stuck behind bars as years of tightening bail laws continue to bite. Liberty Victoria vice-president Jamie Gardiner...
November 14, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria recognizes the significant value of committal proceedings and the role they play in ensuring adequate disclosure, promoting the early resolution of cases before the courts,...
August 27, 2019
Liberty Victoria'a Martin Radzaj discusses the new laws targeting vegan activists in this article.
July 22, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
If enacted the Justice Legislation Amendment (Police and Other Matters) Bill 2019 (“the Bill”) would, amongst other things: a. Create new powers in the Crimes Act 1958 (“the Crimes Act”) for police...
February 15, 2019
The Ombudsman report on Deborah Glass mentions Liberty Victoria
October 16, 2018
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria is strongly opposed to the amendments to the Corrections Act 1986 (Vic) (the Act) made by the Corrections Amendment (Parole) Act 2018 (Vic) (the amendments). The effective imposition...
September 3, 2018
Liberty Victoria quoted in a discussion of the Corrections Amendment (Parole) Bill 2018 
August 26, 2018
Liberty Victoria in the News
In summary, the Bill introduces an important change to the way in which family law proceedings are conducted, so that there is no undue stress and trauma caused to victims of family violence. However...
August 22, 2018
Liberty Victoria strongly opposes the abolition of de novo appeals. These significant reforms have been introduced without evidence-based support. The last investigation in 2006 by the Law Reform...
August 21, 2018
A leading human rights group today joined a chorus of condemnation of new State Government laws that sharply cut the amount of time people may spend together. Under the laws children as young as 14...
July 24, 2018
Press Release
