It’s 37 years since, as a newspaper said, a song died on the streets of New York when John Lennon was shot down. Yet his songs are not dead: intense, sweet and angry, insightful and socially aware,... Read more
Giving greater powers to Protection Service Officers is unnecessary, inappropriate and potentially harmful, Liberty Victoria warned today.
The president of the human rights group, Jessie Taylor,... Read more
The Victorian Government’s new law and order moves smack of desperation and will make the community less safe, not more, Liberty Victoria said today.
Commenting on today’s announcement Liberty... Read more
Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project has launched a report on the unfair rules around disclosure of old criminal convictions in Victoria. The report 'A Legislated Spent Convictions Scheme for... Read more
Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project (‘RAP’) today released a new report revealing the dramatic rise in the personal discretions and legal powers of the Immigration Minister.
One of the report... Read more
The retiring President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs, is to be honoured for her fearless work in pursuit of people’s rights.
She is the recipient of the nation’s... Read more
The rumoured plan to create a sprawling ‘Department of Homeland Security’ is dangerous, wasteful and unnecessary, warns human rights group Liberty Victoria.
Fairfax Media reported yesterday that... Read more
Citizenship plan unfair and
invasive, says rights group
Changes floated by the Immigration Minister to requirements for Australian citizenship are unnecessary and counter-productive, Liberty Victoria... Read more
Scrapping bail for “serious” crimes dangerous
and goes too far, rights group warns
The idea that some people facing "serious" offences should not be allowed to apply for bail is dangerous and... Read more
Human rights group Liberty Victoria applauds the Andrews government for taking a strong and principled stance on the right to die with dignity.
However, while welcoming that announcement, Liberty is... Read more