September 29, 2015
Liberty Victoria in the News
On the 12th of September, at our annual fundraising dinner at the San Remo Ballroom, the Liberty Victoria 2015 Voltaire Award was made to the "three brothers", Al Jazeera journalists Peter Greste,...
September 24, 2015
Liberty Victoria Updates
The human rights group Liberty Victoria is overjoyed at the news of the release of two journalists from an Egyptian prison. Al Jazeera staff Baher Mohamed and Mohamed Fahmy were pardoned by President...
September 24, 2015
Press Release
More money is needed to support prisoners on release, leading to greater public safety and a saving of taxes. The rights group, Liberty Victoria, said this today in welcoming the Victorian Ombudsman’...
September 23, 2015
Press Release
September 17, 2015
Liberty Victoria in the News
‘Age determination’ is the process by which a person’s age is assessed. In the immigration context, it refers to the processes used by the country receiving asylum seekers to determine whether a...
September 14, 2015
Liberty submits that neither a referendum nor a plebiscite is an appropriate method to address matters of equality and human rights. Liberty urges the committee to reject the proposal, but to...
September 4, 2015
A fortnight before three journalists are to receive an award for their work for press freedom two of them have been jailed. Imprisoned are al-Jazeera journalists Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed....
August 30, 2015
Press Release
Liberty Victoria has welcomed the Victorian government’s decision to remove Special Religious Instruction (‘SRI’) from scheduled class time at government schools. The government has announced instead...
August 24, 2015
Press Release
August 20, 2015
Liberty Victoria in the News
