Michael Stanton, a barrister and the president of Liberty Victoria, said it was “particularly unfair” to focus on how others might perceive Djokovic’s views, rather than the seriousness of what he...
January 16, 2022
Liberty Victoria in the News
Michael Stanton, president of Liberty Victoria, added: "It's very different from [denying a visa] for someone who has expressly said something about inciting violence or encouraging unrest.
January 16, 2022
Liberty Victoria in the News
After Novak Djokovic’s visa was restored by a Federal Court judge this week, the ultimate decision of whether he could stay in Australia rested with one person: Immigration Minister Alex Hawke.
January 13, 2022
Liberty Victoria in the News
This submission focuses on stream 2 relating to people in custody as outlined in the terms of reference published in October 2021 . It makes recommendations in relation to limiting the expansion...
December 21, 2021
Liberty Victoria strongly opposes the Bill and calls for an inquiry into the character
visa cancellation and refusal framework.
Our principal concerns with the Bill can be summarised as follows:
December 21, 2021
Brenda Appleton Speech
Sitarah Mohammadi and Sajjad Askary Speech
Mehdi Ali Speech
Thank you to everyone who attended the Voltaire Human Rights Awards dinner on 18 November 2022...
December 14, 2021
Basic page
Premier Daniel Andrews said the process had been robust, but it was really a negotiation with three upper house crossbenchers, Reason Party’s Fiona Patten, Greens leader Samantha Ratnam and Animal...
December 6, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria’s outgoing president Julia Kretzenbacher says their organisation has also been busy.
“For the past two years there’s particular things we focused on, including the curfew, privacy...
December 6, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
While noting he did not know the circumstances of the case and made no comment about the merit of police actions, Liberty Victoria President Michael Stanton said considerations went beyond the Crimes...
November 25, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Isabelle was confirmed as a member of the Policy Committee in November 2021
November 25, 2021