Liberty Victoria would have preferred the opportunity to provide a more detailed submission but the time frame allowed for their provision was impossibly short. We hope that in future more time is...
March 4, 2016
What happens to people when they are released from prison? This video explores some of the many issues facing people leaving the prison system. 
March 1, 2016
Liberty Victoria is opposed to the mandatory minimum sentence provisions in the Sentencing Act 1991 (Vic), and accordingly is also opposed to the expansion of those provisions to alleged offences...
February 16, 2016
As an organisation Liberty Victoria is deeply concerned about the gradual erosion of judicial discretion in sentencing and the move towards mandatory and/or more prescriptive models of sentencing....
February 8, 2016
The Presidents of the NSW, Victorian, Queensland and South Australian Councils for Civil Liberties and the Australian Council for Civil Liberties have put together a statement calling on the...
November 23, 2015
This document sets out the policy position of Liberty Victoria on the “No Jab, No Play” provisions in Victoria. The provisions are found in the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (No Jab, No Play...
November 16, 2015
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) received Terms of Reference on 19 May 2014. The ALRC released an Issues Paper and called for submissions on 10 December 2014. Submissions closed on 27...
October 18, 2015
‘Age determination’ is the process by which a person’s age is assessed. In the immigration context, it refers to the processes used by the country receiving asylum seekers to determine whether a...
September 14, 2015
Liberty submits that neither a referendum nor a plebiscite is an appropriate method to address matters of equality and human rights. Liberty urges the committee to reject the proposal, but to...
September 4, 2015
Liberty Victoria supports a terminally ill person’s right to die with dignity.  As early as 1998 Liberty Victoria produced a booklet titled The Final Choice – Considerations on Choosing to Die, and...
August 5, 2015
