Liberty Victoria strongly opposes the Sentencing (Community Correction Order) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2016 (Vic) (‘The Bill’). It is an unnecessary reform to the Community Correction Order (‘...
October 31, 2016
Liberty Victoria is very concerned about the Victorian Government’s announcement on proposed reforms to the Community Correction Order (‘CCO’) regime. The reforms should be strongly opposed. The...
October 12, 2016
Joint Submission for the United Kingdom’s Universal Periodic Review in 2017 submitted by a coalition of the following international human rights, fair trial and jurist organisations: Center for...
September 23, 2016
Liberty Victoria is deeply concerned about the gradual erosion of judicial discretion in sentencing and the move towards mandatory and/or more prescriptive models of sentencing. Part of that concern...
September 14, 2016
The Victorian Police Minister has foreshadowed laws to ban masks at protests. There have been reports that such laws may be of two kinds: Laws making it an offence to wear masks at protests and...
August 17, 2016
The Councils for Civil Liberties (“CCLs”)[1] have made a joint submission to the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor’s (INSLM) inquiry into certain questioning and detention powers (...
August 17, 2016
Liberty Victoria has in recent days been contacted by a number of persons concerned about the 2016 Census and the privacy implications for them. Liberty acknowledges that the collection of...
August 5, 2016
'What we don't know, can hurt us’ Liberty Victoria's Young Liberty for Law Reform (YLLR) has released a report shining a light on a dark corner of our democracy. The report recommends fundamental and...
June 10, 2016
Liberty Victoria welcomed the opportunity to make this submission in relation to the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s (Commission) review of the Role of the Victims of Crime in the Criminal Trial...
April 26, 2016
