Liberty Victoria's president Jessie Taylor tells ABC Radio Melbourne Andrew Hanson the data harvesting plan could pose privacy risks.
July 2, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
LIberty Victoria quoted in this Australian article
July 2, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria comments on proposed phone data harvest
July 2, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria is mentioned in this article
June 14, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Jessie Taylor discusses the election debates on 3AW's Neil Mitchell program
May 21, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Jessie Taylor is a guest on this Radio National discussion.
May 13, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
The Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is a quasi-judicial body designed to promote the rule of law and good government by enabling citizens to call into question the decisions of...
March 13, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Two new legal actions designed to put an end to Australia’s policy of offshore processing have just landed at the High Court of Australia. In a novel twist, the cases will not depend on the High...
February 22, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria's Jessie Taylor is quoted in this opinion piece on Victoria Police's use of military style automatic weapons.
February 20, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Jessie Taylor on the new high powered police guns - on 3AW
February 18, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News