But Liberty Victoria said proponents of the legislation were using a "straw man" argument, and it was not acceptable to justify the model on the grounds it is done in states like NSW or is better...
March 10, 2023
Liberty Victoria in the News
While welcoming improved protections, Liberty Victoria president Michael Stanton said the amendments don't remedy the bill's foundational problem of not having an opt-out mechanism. "We understand...
March 9, 2023
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria said “it’s rare for governments to admit they got the balance wrong, so credit to the Vic AG”. “We’ll wait to see the details of the proposed reforms. Our position is that a single...
March 6, 2023
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria credited Ms Symes for admitting the government "got the balance wrong" but maintained an unacceptable risk test should be the only threshold for bail. "If an alleged offender,...
March 3, 2023
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria president Michael Stanton said the legislation needed to be amended to avoid a repeat of the Lawyer X scandal. “Given what occurred with the Lawyer X scandal, and the High Court’s...
February 24, 2023
Liberty Victoria in the News
The Liberty Victoria president, Michael Stanton, said he had several concerns about the bill, including that the database could become a “major target for exploitation by hackers and organised crime...
February 24, 2023
Liberty Victoria in the News
“All around the world, the information contained in health records is recognised as a sensitive, special category of information,” Vaile said. “So one of the clearest problems with not confining the...
February 23, 2023
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria’s Sam Norton said the justice system was responsible for delivering justice, not the police. “Our criminal justice system delivers, our police are not there to augment it with their...
February 10, 2023
Liberty Victoria in the News
Michael Stanton President of Liberty Victoria was a guest on the Law Report A Victorian coroner has described the treatment of an Indigenous woman in prison as inhumane and her death preventable....
February 7, 2023
Liberty Victoria in the News
Despite a range of bodies calling for change, including a parliamentary inquiry, the Law Institute of Victoria, the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and Liberty Victoria, the police union has ...
January 28, 2023
Liberty Victoria in the News
