Liberty Victoria welcomes the decision handed down by the Full Federal Court today concerning the Biloela family. A unanimous Full Federal Court has upheld the earlier decision of the Honourable...
February 16, 2021
Press Release
Peter Dutton is using his God-like powers to block refugees and asylum seekers from accessing government-funded, income support, public healthcare and safe housing. We are calling on Peter Dutton to...
June 15, 2020
Press Release
The breathtaking simplicity and callousness of the recently resuscitated Deputy Prime Minister lays bare the attempt to use human lives for votes, Liberty Victoria said today.
“Barnaby Joyce bounces...
December 14, 2017
Press Release
Australia’s name for decency and a fair go has been permanently stained by the latest sickening violence on Manus Island, Liberty Victoria said today.
Reports of attacks on refugees with metal poles...
December 4, 2017
Press Release
The studied indifference of Australia’s leaders to the abandonment of refugees on Manus Island is becoming a permanent stain on this country’s name, the human rights body Liberty Victoria said today...
November 1, 2017
Press Release
Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project (‘RAP’) today released a new report revealing the dramatic rise in the personal discretions and legal powers of the Immigration Minister.
One of the report...
May 4, 2017
Press Release
The rumoured plan to create a sprawling ‘Department of Homeland Security’ is dangerous, wasteful and unnecessary, warns human rights group Liberty Victoria.
Fairfax Media reported yesterday that...
March 8, 2017
Press Release
Citizenship plan unfair and
invasive, says rights group
Changes floated by the Immigration Minister to requirements for Australian citizenship are unnecessary and counter-productive, Liberty Victoria...
February 11, 2017
Press Release
Community lawyer and lecturer Jessie Taylor has been elected president of one of Australia's leading human rights organisations,
Liberty Victoria.
Ms Taylor BA(Hons) LLB(Hons) MSc(HA) is a lecturer...
December 1, 2016
Press Release
Rights group flays
Refugee life ban
The human rights group Liberty Victoria has condemned the Federal Government's decision to ban any asylum seeker who has attempted to reach Australia.
November 8, 2016
Press Release