Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 13, 2021
    Human rights advocates say they are “very worried” for Victorians stranded in ‘red zones’ interstate. The state government recently introduced a ‘traffic light’ permit system for anyone wishing to enter Victoria, regardless of where they are coming from. Spokesperson for Liberty Victoria Michael... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 13, 2021
    Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher comments on border turmoil.
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 13, 2021
    Liberty Victoria spokeperson, Tom Clarke comments on the impact of border closures on Victorians stranded in interstate locations.
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 13, 2021
     Liberty Victoria has suggested the state government’s approach may not be proportionate and that it may unduly interfere with individuals’ human rights.
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 12, 2021
    Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher said the permit system could make the process clearer, but its introduction had done nothing for Victorians who were still indefinitely excluded from returning. She said there was still uncertainty about when exemptions would be granted and there was... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 7, 2021
    Liberty Victoria, a human rights and civil liberties organisation, expressed concerns about whether the restrictions were appropriate, warning the onus was on the government to explain why alternatives such as home quarantine were not an option. “Obviously there’s a need to take proactive steps to... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 6, 2021
      A civil liberty group has criticised Victorian government’s “draconian” measure to close the borders with NSW, leaving many Victorians who want to return home “shunned”. Liberty Victoria’s senior vice president Michael Stanton questioned whether the decision to shut the border infringed on... Read more
  • Press Release
    Post date: December 17, 2020
    Liberty Victoria welcomes today’s Ombudsman’s Report into the public housing ‘hard lockdown’ in July of this year. As the Ombudsman said in her report, “[i]n a just society, human rights are not a convention to be ignored during a crisis, but a framework for how we will treat and be treated as the... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: December 15, 2020
    President of Liberty Victoria Julia Kretzenbacher discussing the overuse of fines & how it disproportionately impacted communities experiencing disadvantage on 10 News
  • Press Release
    Post date: December 7, 2020
    Victoria can be a place where sexually and gender diverse Victorians can grow up feeling accepted, supported and loved.  The Victorian Government’s Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020 is a very welcome human rights measure. Liberty Victoria applauds this important... Read more
