Liberty Victoria concerned about press freedom limits on exposing unlawful government conduct

Liberty Victoria is concerned by news that the Australian Federal Police has recommended that prosecutors consider laying charges against ABC journalist Dan Oakes. The recommended charges relate to Mr Oakes’ reporting on alleged war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. It has never been suggested that the allegations are untrue or inaccurate. 

The Dyson Heydon saga: A personal reflection by Liberty Victoria Past President Jessie Taylor

The recent investigation into Dyson Heydon's behaviour causes me to reflect with bittersweet gratitude on the time I spent as a Judge's Associate. I was Associate to a big-hearted, generous, clever man with a ready sense of humour and a deep and genuine care for those over whom he is in a position of mentoring and (let's call it what it is) power. We are friends to this day.

Liberty Victoria honours Bernard Collaery and Witness J with the Empty Chair Human Rights Award

The secret trials of lawyer Bernard Collaery and Witness J challenge one of the fundamental bases of our legal system: the requirement for open justice and accountability.

In recognition of these extraordinary events it is my privilege to announce Bernard Collaery and Witness J as joint winners of Liberty Victoria’s Empty Chair Award, and to invite you to hear from Bernard at the Voltaire Awards Webinar on Friday 24 July at 7pm.  

Press Release - Dylan Alcott Honoured with the Liberty Victoria Voltaire Human Rights Award

When Dylan Alcott gives presentations, he sometimes asks the question “What’s worse than being in a wheelchair?”

Then he flashes up a picture of someone wearing that often contentious form of footwear – crocs.

Dylan is probably best known as a Paralympic gold medallist and grand slam tennis champion.

He is also a passionate advocate for people with disabilities.

For Dylan, being in a wheelchair isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a person. Being hidden away and struggling for confidence and social inclusion probably is.
