Beyond Bars: Reflecting on the Rights of Victoria's Prisoners

Out of sight, out of mind. Victoria’s prisoners might not get much air time, but their numbers are growing at alarming rates – and with high rates of recidivism and patchy access to rehabilitation and reintegration programs, a rethink of our prison system is both practical and timely.

Speakers include the Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass, who completed an investigation into Victoria’s prisoner rehabilitation in October last year, Monash University criminal justice and corrections expert Bronwyn Naylor and Lisa Harrison, a former researcher in the Law Faculty at Monash University and project manager of an Australian Research Council funded project into the implementation of human rights in places of detention, including prisons.

Listen to the pod cast of the event at The Wheeler Centre (audio 00:58:59)

Read YLLR's submission to Victorian Ombudsman's investigation into Victoria's prisoner rehabilitation (pdf download)

Wednesday 1 July 2015
6.15pm to 7.15pm
The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne