Liberty Victoria has consistently advocated for the reform of Victoria’s cannabis laws. Consistent with previous submissions, we consider that the best way to protect the health of those adults who use cannabis, to protect public health and safety, and to prevent criminal activity relating to the illegal cannabis trade in Victoria, is to decriminalise cannabis possession, use, and limited cultivation as has occurred in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
Liberty Victoria supports the reforms proposed by the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Regulation of Personal Adult Use of Cannabis) Bill 2023 (Vic) (Bill). That is because Victoria’s cannabis laws have fallen out of line with community standards. In their current form, they support criminal activity, place a terrible burden on the criminal justice system, divert precious law enforcement resources, and are responsible for substantial harm to community health and safety.
In addition, prohibition has failed to decrease either the demand or supply of cannabis. The penal approach to cannabis criminalisation has failed. A fundamentally different approach is required, underpinned by health-based prevention and harm minimisation. The proposed reforms would bring Victoria’s laws into alignment with community attitudes and the approach taken by other leading jurisdictions around the world. Decriminalisation of the possession and cultivation of cannabis will protect the health of those adults who use cannabis, promote public health and safety, and prevent criminal activity relating to the illegal cannabis trade in Victoria. It is critical that this reform is combined with a responsible health and education-based response.
Our full submission, including in relation to the benefits of reform, evidence from the ACT reform and opportunity for further reform is available here.