Liberty Victoria welcomes the Victorian government’s announcement that it is committed to introducing a legislated spent convictions scheme. Once a scheme is legislated, this will bring Victoria in...
March 3, 2020
Press Release
Liberty Victoria welcomes the High Court’s decision handed down today, which recognises
that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people cannot be considered “aliens” under the
February 11, 2020
Press Release
Liberty Victoria are seeking volunteers to assist in running our annual Voltaire Awards on Saturday 27 July, which celebrate individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to free speech and...
June 11, 2019
Press Release
Liberty Victoria honours Nasrin Sotoudeh with the Voltaire 'Empty Chair' Award 2019
Nasrin is an Iranian lawyer and human rights defender, renowned for her work representing abused women and children...
May 14, 2019
Press Release
Liberty Victoria honours the Ngaga-Dji project ( Hear me!), a collaborative project of the Koorie Youth Council led by Anna Cerreto and Indi Clarke, with the Young Voltaire Award.
The Young Voltaire...
May 9, 2019
Press Release
This year Liberty Victoria honours Debbie Kilroy, the founder of Sisters Inside, with the Voltaire Human Rights Award.
The Voltaire Award honours a person or group for an outstanding contribution to...
May 2, 2019
Press Release
Liberty Victoria believes fervently in the importance of impartial, independent legal advice and representation.
Liberty Victoria is an organisation made up predominately (though not solely) of legal...
February 26, 2019
Press Release
The proposed spent convictions bill introduced by Reason Party leader Fiona Patten MP would transform the lives of many Victorians. If passed, the proposed scheme would bring Victoria in line with...
February 7, 2019
Press Release
A leading human rights group today joined a chorus of condemnation of new State Government laws that sharply cut the amount of time people may spend together.
Under the laws children as young as 14...
July 24, 2018
Press Release
New mandatory sentencing laws will not make our communities safer, the human rights group Liberty Victoria warned today. The comments were made in response to Wednesday’s announcement that the...
April 12, 2018
Press Release