Andrews Government should let Parole Board do its job, says Liberty Victoria Liberty Victoria warns that the Andrews Government’s proposed new parole laws are an unnecessary and dangerous step...
December 6, 2016
Press Release
Public safety and the State budget will suffer as a result of harsh new measures by the Andrews Government, Liberty Victoria warned today. The human rights group’s president, Jessie Taylor, said “The...
December 5, 2016
Press Release
Community lawyer and lecturer Jessie Taylor has been elected president of one of Australia's leading human rights organisations, Liberty Victoria. Ms Taylor BA(Hons) LLB(Hons) MSc(HA) is a lecturer...
December 1, 2016
Press Release
Teenagers don't belong in an adult jail, even when things get hard. Placing them with adult prisoners is exposing them to dangerous influences and the risk of abuse. Eighty per cent of those in...
November 15, 2016
Press Release
State Government plans to jail more people will not make Victorians safer, rights group Liberty Victoria warned today.  "Practical experience of the criminal justice system has long shown that in...
October 12, 2016
Press Release
Liberty Victoria is concerned that the Attorney-General has elected to introduce a standard sentence scheme, contrary to the clear advice of the Sentencing Advisory Council’s report in response to...
June 10, 2016
Press Release
More money is needed to support prisoners on release, leading to greater public safety and a saving of taxes. The rights group, Liberty Victoria, said this today in welcoming the Victorian Ombudsman’...
September 23, 2015
Press Release
A reluctance to acknowledge the existence of racial profiling and a misunderstanding of how racism can be part of police practice underscores the need for better education in the Victoria Police,...
August 17, 2013
Press Release
