“Deportation of a person because of a purported risk as to how others might perceive them and then act sets a terrible precedent,” Michael Stanton, the president of Liberty Victoria said. “It can and...
January 17, 2022
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria president Mike Stanton tweeted during the hearing: “Deportation of a person because of a purported risk as to how others might perceive them and then act sets a terrible precedent.”
January 16, 2022
Liberty Victoria in the News
Michael Stanton, a barrister and the president of Liberty Victoria, said it was “particularly unfair” to focus on how others might perceive Djokovic’s views, rather than the seriousness of what he...
January 16, 2022
Liberty Victoria in the News
Michael Stanton, president of Liberty Victoria, added: "It's very different from [denying a visa] for someone who has expressly said something about inciting violence or encouraging unrest. "The...
January 16, 2022
Liberty Victoria in the News
The Victorian Council for Civil Liberties has released a series of tweets in the aftermath of the ruling on what it described as Australia's ...
January 16, 2022
Liberty Victoria in the News
After Novak Djokovic’s visa was restored by a Federal Court judge this week, the ultimate decision of whether he could stay in Australia rested with one person: Immigration Minister Alex Hawke. The...
January 13, 2022
Liberty Victoria in the News
