Liberty Victoria spokesperson and public law barrister, Gemma Cafarella, says if police have access to check-in data it damages confidence in the system. “Allowing police access means people might...
June 22, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
On 13 May 2021, Liberty Victoria’s Senior Vice-President, Sam Norton gave evidence at the Inquiry into the Management of Child Sex Offender Information. His evidence can be read here. Sam Norton was...
June 22, 2021
Greg Buchhorn, a lawyer and policy committee member of civil rights group Liberty Victoria, said the broad State of Emergency laws have resulted in some extreme intrusions on individual rights, such...
June 15, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Buy Premium Wines Here The Voltaire Awards Committee are working hard behind the scenes, organising our live online webinar awards presentation and Q and A panel with recipients.  We will be...
June 10, 2021
Liberty Victoria Updates
  Liberty Victoria’s Julia Kretzenbacher said the current laws meant people were being remanded in custody for relatively minor indictable offences, such as possession of a small amount of cannabis...
May 17, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
No work rights, no study rights, no access to Medicare. That's the situation facing a number of asylum seekers who are being denied access to bridging visas while they await claims for permanent...
May 4, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
The Right Honourable Tony Benn MP once famously remarked ‘the way a government treats refugees is very instructive because it shows you how they would treat the rest of us if they thought they could...
May 3, 2021
Press Release
Some advocates are also questioning whether the ban could potentially be a violation of Australia's international law obligations. "The section that the minister has made the emergency direction...
May 2, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
The legal and policy frameworks governing family reunification unjustly discriminate based on the mode of arrival in Australia. These discriminatory laws and policies prevent people from reuniting...
April 30, 2021
Hugo is a barrister who usually practices in criminal law.   Prior to joining the bar he worked at Stary Norton Halphen, and in the Northern Territory at the North Australian Aboriginal Justice...
April 29, 2021
