For nearly a decade, Payam Saadat has fought for compensation over the trauma he endured in immigration detention. More than 60 other cases rely on the result of his trial. Rick Morton interviewed...
February 19, 2020
Liberty Victoria in the News
Rick Morton discusses the case of Payam Saadat.  The federal government is holding up a bid to compensate more than 60 people who allegedly suffered psychological trauma in immigration detention...
February 19, 2020
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria welcomes the High Court’s decision handed down today, which recognises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people cannot be considered “aliens” under the Australian...
February 11, 2020
Press Release
Although this proposed Bill may have started as a stock-standard anti-discrimination bill for the attribute of religious belief or activity (as has long been a part of the Victorian Equal Opportunity...
January 31, 2020
LIV Human Rights Committee member and Liberty Victoria vice-president Jamie Gardiner says the legislation "purports to give so-called statements of belief or religious expression absolute precedence...
January 30, 2020
Liberty Victoria in the News
This submission will focus upon the impact of vilification on people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, queer, and people born with variation in sex characteristics (LGBTIQ)....
January 17, 2020
