Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: December 11, 2012
    In 2012, Liberty has met multiple challenges with respect to the protection of human rights and civil liberties at both Commonwealth and State level. The work of the Policy and Management Committees with respect to these challenges has been extensive and, in my view, outstanding. At the end of the... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: October 5, 2012
    Press Release - 4 December 2012 Please read and sign the petition below to stop cuts to Victorian Legal Aid Funding. Proposed cuts to legal aid funding are alarming warns Liberty Victoria President Jane Dixon SC. The breadth of the proposed cuts is likely to lead to injustice for those who cannot... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: October 5, 2012
      Wednesday 17 October 2012 Meat Market, 5 Blackwood StreetNorth Melbourne, 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm.  $10 at the door to cover costs  RSPV: Gillian Garner at or call 9670 6422 View Flyer here  
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: August 17, 2012
    Liberty Victoria was the proud sponsor of the Alan Missen Oration held on Saturday 25 August as part of the Melbourne Writers Festival.  In this lecture, Kwame Anthony Appiah President of the American PEN Center, explored the importance of imaginative literature in sustaining cultural interactions... Read more
  • Press Release
    Post date: August 14, 2012
    A strategic chasm lies at the heart of the Expert Panel’s report on asylum seekers. By deciding to ship asylum seekers elsewhere, Australia is repudiating its responsibilities under the International Refugee Convention. That is, we are refusing to determine whether people who arrive here... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: July 6, 2012
      Thank you to everyone who attended our awards dinner on Saturday 11 August 2012! See photos on our facebbook page.  
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: June 28, 2012
    Liberty Victoria’s particular focus in the debate with respect to media regulation in Australia is concerned with the protection of civil liberties and in particular with the desirability of underpinning the rights to freedom of expression and privacy. Professor Zifcak, Liberty's President, has... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: June 28, 2012
    Liberty Victoria has written to the Attorney General of Victoria expressing Liberty's concern with respect to the establishment and terms of reference set down for the Victorian Parliament’s inquiry into the sexual abuse of children by members of the clergy. Read the letter HERE.
  • Press Release
    Post date: June 27, 2012
    The President of Liberty Victoria, Professor Spencer Zifcak, said today that he was deeply disturbed by the resignation of all but one of the members of the Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.   “The Commission has been plunged into crisis because of the Attorney-General Robert... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: May 3, 2012
    Liberty Victoria has a new Office Manager, Gillian Garner, who took over the role in February. We would like to thank Trish Cameron for all her hard work over 2 years with Liberty. At our Strategy Planning day in March we discussed the year ahead. Further information about upcoming Liberty... Read more
