Liberty Victoria membership

Membership is the lifeblood of our organisation. Liberty Victoria is an active and inclusive organisation which relies on the support of individuals in defending and extending human rights and civil liberties.

And with more aggressive attacks on these rights every day, what better time to join or renew your membership with Liberty Victoria than today?

Membership is only $75 a year for an individual. This is a small fee for ensuring that your voice is heard in the media and in submissions that we put forward to government hearings and other inquiries.

We also have concession memberships available if you are a student, unwaged or retired. Click here.

We stage several significant events for members across the year including the Voltaire Award Dinner celebrating free speech, the Alan Missen Oration at the Melbourne Writers Festival and a Civil Liberties Conversation at the Wheeler Centre. These events support our aim of highlighting the importance of civil liberties and the principles of justice, openness, the right to dissent and respect for diversity.

To make it easier for you to renew your Liberty Victoria membership, we will deduct your membership renewal fee from your credit card automatically on your membership anniversary each year. Please un-tick the box below if you would prefer us not to do this. (This excludes 5 year membership options).

Type of Membership
Membership *

We also have concession memberships available if you are a student, unwaged or retired. Click here.

 Please renew my membership automatically.
Total Amount
New Organization
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